Jury Caceres

“Monroe helped me get out of my comfort zone, grow as a person, and find a career path I am proud of."


Jury Caceres wasn’t sure where she wanted to work when she started at Monroe. Thanks to Monroe’s College Career Services that helped her get an internship at Mt.Sinai Hospital, Jury had an impressive job waiting for her after graduation. She interned in the Vascular Department for a year while still at Monroe. She was then hired for her first full-time position as a Medical Administrator after graduating with a Bachelor’s in Health Services Administration in 2016.

Jury felt that Monroe made it so easy to get her foot in the door and make connections. She decided to go back to Monroe for her MBA in Business Administration and Management with a concentration in Healthcare, graduating in 2020. While studying for her master’s, she worked as an Office Coordinator at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Today, Jury is an office manager at The Child & Family Guidance Center. 

Jury said the professors and counselors at Monroe have been her support system and have helped her flourish. She attributes Monroe for helping her get out of my comfort zone, grow as a person, and find a career path she is proud of.  Monroe has taught Jury that when you have that degree, you can fit in anywhere.”

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