Our Fall semester is underway. It was wonderful to welcome returning students and welcome those just starting their studies here.
Classes are being held on campus, as well as online, with hybrid schedules available for most students.
With the exception of those in clinical programs, such as Nursing, DMS, Surgical Technology, and Education, students are not currently required to show proof of vaccination to attend in-person classes.
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Victim Trauma Expert Dr. Ani Kalayjian and Spiritual Leader Audrey Kitagawa Among Panel of Speakers
Graduates from across the years share their Monroe stories in newly published book.
Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
We're excited to launch this latest Associate program in our School of Allied Health Professions!
Team CINY earned 11 medals – including eight gold medals – at this annual competition.
Great news for the Class of 2022: Commencement will be in-person at Radio City Music Hall!